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Progmotion: Alkaloid & Obsidious

Progressive extreme metallers Alkaloid prepare to unfurl their new many-tentacled full-length, Numen via Season of Mist. Featuring members of Triptykon, Obscura, Dark Fortress, and Obsidious, the Germany-based quartet of Morean (vocals, guitars, concepts), Hannes Grossmann (drums), Christian Münzner (guitars), and Linus Klausenitzer (bass) construct upon, expand away from, and journey between previous full-lengths The Malkuth Grimoire (2015) and Liquid Anatomy (2018) on Numen. In every respect, Alkaloid recommence the purposeful warp of various metallic genres they dimensionally blur. Tracks like the video single for Clusterfuck, The Cambrian Explosion, and Numen posit heavy cosmologicalLovecraftian theoretic themes on top of musically-adept songs that are accessible yet undeniably intricate.

Modern metallers Obsidious launch their wonderfully intricate and musically-accomplished new album, Iconic, via Season of Mist. The groupfeaturing Linus Klausenitzer (bass), Rafael Trujillo (guitars), Sebastian Lanser (drums), and vocalist Javi Perera (vocals)come from distinguished and lettered origins in Obscura, Alkaloid, Eternitys End, and Juggernaut. Obsidious, however, are a different creature entirely. Iconic is technical but not officious. The album breathes intensity but expands upon it with mellifluent dexterity. With Obsidious, theres always a hook. Obsidious crystallized after Klausenitzer, Trujillo, and Lanser departed amicably from fellow German tech-metallers Obscura in 2020. Named after black volcanic glass, the groups moniker exudes something dark, of fiery origin, in a state of final transformation. Metaphorically, the name Obsidious offers a nearly limitless platform for expression and advancement. However, it was only when the trio brought on newcomer Pererawhose growls and full-toned voice are first-ratewere the multi-national outfit officially codified. Interestingly enough, the newly-joined frontman couldnt even meet his bandmates while writing, recording, and filming videos for Iconic due to the pandemic. Yet, the technologically-apt foursome made it work. Lyrically, Perera tackles human-relatable topics throughout Iconic. While his modern metal peers abstractly traverse the vagaries of the universe, the singer hits home where and when it matters. Disaster in any form is trauma-inducing, and this is at the heart of Under Black Skies, where a tremendous yet preventable calamity descends on a petty yet desperate populace. BDSM, an uncommon topic in metaldom, carries through Sense of Lust. Here, sex and the power of and subsequent joy by the submissive are explored. The title track, Iconic, discusses dementia. Pereras profession outside of Obsidious is in healthcare, and hes seen firsthand how the mental disorder traps and torments. Iconic is a showcase in multiplicity. Obsidious are ready to deploy their unique brand of hooky neoteric metal on Iconic. From Trujillos wickedly clever riffs and Lansers artful drumming to Klausenitzers superb counterpoint and Pereras soaring vocalsvenomous spits, the songs brim with cool calculation and aggressive spontaneity. They storm normality not only musically and lyrically, but the monolithic cover piece by French graphic artist Adrien Bousson (Rotting Christ, Khonsu) also transcends convention. Obsidious are poised for a breakthrough on Iconic. Prepare for metals modern metamorphosis!

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